Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Pushcart and Updates

OT!M is proud to announce this year's (and our first ever) Pushcart nominations! The following pieces were selected by the editors last week and mailed to the good folks at Pushcart Press:

  • "Figs" and "Vox" by Jesse Bishop
  • "Meditations on T.V." by Katie Byrum
  • "The Trip Down" and "Soft Knees" by Jennifer Dempsey
  • "Dreams, Ides of March" by Karen Greenbaum-Maya
Congratulations, folks. And thank you. Seriously.

Also, a couple of quick updates. 

Issue No. 2 is still in the works, but we hope to have everything ready to go in the next several weeks. Look for it sometime toward the end of December or the first part of January. Thanks for being patient with your overworked editors.

We mentioned (probably prematurely) in the last OT!M news item that the new issue would appear on a shiny new website. While we are still planning to move to a new site, it seems right now that the move may be a bit further down the road. Don't worry. We're still new and still now, but eventually, we promise, we (and our site) will be newer and nower.

Thanks for reading. Thanks for writing. Thanks for being you (and new).